Sunday, January 23, 2011

Luxembourg Garden vs. Wash Park

 We went to the Jardin du Luxembourg two weekends ago, which was a welcome place of serenity in the middle of Paris. It was everything you could hope for on an unexpectedly warm winter day!...children racing boats in the pond, friends lounging and chatting while having a smoke, pony rides, all sorts of couples strolling about. We couldn't help but notice the differences from Denver's own Washington Park...While there were crowds of people out, it had quite a different feel. There were maybe five runners, signs everywhere prohibited anybody from touching the grass, there were no raucus drinking games and bbq's going on (or volleyball tournaments for that matter), hardly any dogs or frisbees to be seen. Maybe it was some insight into the difference between Parisian and Denverite leisure preferences? I think both are marvelous. 

The Luxembourg Palace
Looking towards the Pantheon

13 Articles of rules!

1 comment:

  1. I miss you and our runs in Wash Park! Wash Park misses you too!
