Monday, July 11, 2011

Boulangerie haikus

We love the French bakeries.  As our homage before we leave, we wrote haikus to describe our feelings.  Enjoy.

By Margaret

So warm and toasty-
my baguette from E. Maurice;
Oh, I will miss you.

The smell of fresh bread,
or that buttery croissant..
Nothing can beat it.

I love French pastries
more than cakeballs or donuts...
not more than hotdogs.

Dear baguette, how do
I declare my love for you?
Too late, my mouth's full.

By Tom

E. Maurice why did
you close?  Wouldn't have gotten
E. coli from you.

Editor's note: Our favorite bakery in Rueil, called E. Maurice, closed for their very long summer vacation on July 5th (till August 23rd).  In what was perhaps not a coincidence, Tom got bad food poisoning the next day.

Seven weeks is a
long vacation for a small
baker.  Must be good.

Behind the front teeth,
on the gums.  Callouses of
fresh baguettes, and joy.

Crack crumble snap tear
Explosion of fresh crust and
crumbs go everywhere.

Day three, hard as rock.
What use is old baguette?  Fresh
loaf ninety-five cents.

The only way to
get the 'chocolate' in the
'pain' is by magic.

We pray 'give us our
daily bread' and He gives us
baguettes.  Praise the Lord.


  1. and the winner goes to....
    We pray 'give us our
    daily bread' and He gives us
    baguettes. Praise the Lord.

    You all are fabulous!

  2. i'm going to have to vote for--

    "Crack crumble snap tear
    Explosion of fresh crust and
    crumbs go everywhere."

  3. My vote is for

    "Dear Baguette, how do
    I declare my love for you?
    Too late, my mouth's full."

  4. I vote for:
    Seven weeks is a
    long vacation for a small
    baker. Must be good.
