Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Don't Leave Home Without It

It's a little hard to tell in the picture, but circled next to the magazine is undeniably a Torrey hair.  IT HAS BEEN SIX MONTHS SINCE WE DROPPED HER OFF WITH FRIENDS IN COLORADO!!!!

(Torrey, for those of you that don't know, is our very, very hairy dog).  I found this on the floor today while sweeping.  All of our clothes here have been washed multiple times.  We sweep daily.  We are ON A DIFFERENT CONTINENT.  Yet we can't get away.

I guess there are some things that will be rough to come home to.  On a related note, thank you again to Nathan and Lydia, and Sarah and Ryan.  We probably owe you new vacuum cleaners, as well as our gratitude.

1 comment:

  1. I just checked the blog after a month without and who would have guessed? Your intuition is spot on. The vacuum began making funny noises in spring after many a monstrous clog and finally the motor wore out completely. $269.61 in service of Torrey. Never take for granted your hardwood floors back home.
