We tried to put a fair amount of thought in to the name of our blog, as silly as that may sound. Maybe a web address doesn't have to encompass all of the thoughts and ideas that will appear on the site, but we can try.
We ended up coming back to one of our favorite verses, Ecclesiastes 3:11: "He has made all things beautiful in His own time; He has also put eternity in the hearts of men, but no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end." To me, it is a succinct description of the human condition, and of the universe in which we live. In the French version, the phrase 'all things beautiful' is 'toute chose belle'.
This isn't to mean we are only planning on posting the most fun adventures (that would be boring), or that we expect everyone to find all of our thoughts beautiful (unless you're really interested in energy policy, brewing, travel, and urban farming all at once). The way the phrase is used in the verse suggests a repetition of the famous phrase from Ecclesiastes (earlier in the 3rd chapter) that "There is a time for everything... a time to weep and a time to laugh..." and so on.
So we aren't expecting things to run beautifully for us all the time. For example, the first real winter storm of the year in Denver is supposed to start tomorrow, when we are to leave. And we had a surprise surgery for beloved dog Torrey on Monday and are leaving her with friends while still healing (thanks Sarah and Ryan, and Nathan and Lydia!).
But we are hopeful that this journey will be one of growth, of learning, of challenges met and prayers answered, and of at least some wonderful days. In other words, we hope that we'll look back on the blog and find that all things were beautiful in time.